¿Qué leemos en el texto de los evangelios?
4 de març de 2022Josep Rius-Camps
Ateneu Universitari Sant Pacià. Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya
This article considers afresh the origin of the pericope of the adulteress, which is
absent from some important manuscripts. Comparison of the witnesses to the text
reveals that it has been preserved in two distinct forms, one (attested by Codex
Bezae and the minuscules 2722 and 1071) that is Markan in style, and the other
(attested by f 13) that reproduces the style of Luke. The conclusion drawn is that the
account was first composed by Mark (and placed after Mark 12.12) and subsequently
adopted by Luke (after Luke 20.19). Because of the apparent moral leniency
displayed by Jesus, the story would have been removed at an early date from both
Gospels, and then later reinserted by some manuscripts but at different places.